What are we doing here? 3 Reasons you should follow this blog.

What are we doing here? 3 Reasons you should follow this blog.

There’s an old story out there about Rabbi Akiva walking home late one night.  The sun was setting low over the horizon and as dusk ushered in the night, the wise old Rabbi missed the turn home and eventually found himself standing in front of a large Roman outpost.  “WHO ARE YOU,” the centurion bellowed, “AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?”  After the sudden shock wore off, Akiva looked up, and with similar boldness replied “HOW MUCH DO YOU GET PAID TO STAND THERE AND ASK ME THOSE TWO QUESTIONS?”  No doubt, the Roman soldier was shocked.  I wonder if he asked himself “who in the world is this old man, nobody talks to us like that.”  Still, the Centurion replied “two drachma a week!”  Rabbi Akiva paused for a moment, thoughtfully, finally looking up to the wall top standing ominously against the starry night sky, “I’ll pay you double to stand outside my door and ask me those two questions every morning,” Akiva replied.

   The first time I heard that story being told by Biblical scholar Ray Vander Laan, those two questions hit me square between the eyes.  The who part I’m a good bit familiar with, I mean, that question gets answered weekly if not daily.  I’m Garrett Hines, husband, dad, artist, educator, Jesus follower, on and on the list goes.  That’s the gist for most introductions in the US I think; hi my name is Garrett and here’s my list of things that make me matter.  “What are you doing here,” is the question I’d like to think I’ve wrestled with for a couple of years, but in reality, a lifetime is more accurate.   

   Growing up as a cartoon loving squirrely oddball in small town Texas guarantees at least two things, you’ll get made fun of regularly, and you’ll almost always feel misunderstood.  Like most kids, I just stuffed the negative and put on whatever identity available, trying to find the acceptance I longed for.  Into my twenties and early thirties, I carried the hurt and loss of identity like Luke carried Yoda, only I wasn’t hearing sage wisdom, I was hearing “you suck,” and “no one will ever accept you.”  Then it happened, as Father Richard Rohr puts it, I got a “womp on the head.”

   Year seven of my teaching career was in full swing when my beloved and I decided to pursue being missionaries in a foreign country.  We trained in a program, and when year nine as a teacher ended, we sold all we owned and moved to Southeast Asia with our, then, 4-year-old son and baby girl who was on the way.  The “womp” as Father Rohr calls it, came at six months when the leaders we worked with decided we “needed further development.”  All I heard was “you’re not good enough,” along with the walls of our overseas dream crashing down.  That moment was the catalyst for what became my artistic journey of self-discovery. 

   So, what are we doing here, really?  Simon Sinek in his book “Start with Why” drives home the reality that all people need a “why” to operate from, a core belief that drives their every decision.  So it is with this blog.

  • 3 Reasons you should follow this blog:


   “Transparent Layers” is a blog about life as an artist, creativity, and self-discovery.  The one constant throughout my journey has been art making, whether it was the toilet-paper-role fish that started it all, or the current portfolio project I find myself engrossed in, this blog is about sharing the journey.  Art is a community experience, it must be shared.  When you follow along with the blog, you are joining a group of people committed to making their best art, and learning about who they are along the way.  Here you’ll find tutorials for watercolor, tips on broadening your imagination, and a whole host of other art related topics. 


   Here you’ll find useful resources for your journey.  Knowledge, like art, is a community affair, it is designed to be distributed amongst other humans.  Self-discovery and art making can’t be learned in a vacuum, it has to be experienced, and there is a whole host of helpful resources out there to help you along the way.  Here you’ll find resources and how they helped me on the journey. 


   The third goal of this blog is best explained through a story…In the days when the jungle was thick, the rivers rushed, and the sky was bluer, Tiberius Tiger roamed freely among the trees of Sumnagga.  One day, Tiberius heard the heart wrenching roar of another tiger.  Rushing past bush and tree, Tiberius found himself staring down into a large pit.  At the bottom he could see another Tiger lying quite still.  “You there,” he called, “what happened?”  The helpless creature looked up at Tiberius and replied “this pit was hidden, and not knowing, I fell in.  When I called for help,” it continued “a parrot came and said “try jumping as high as you can,” which I did with no luck.  Then a monkey came and said “try climbing the walls” which I did, but the ground is too loose. I fear I am stuck here forever.”  Tiberius, without hesitation, grabbed a vine in his jaws and jumped in the hole.  “What are you doing,” the young Tiger exclaimed.  “Do not fear,” Tiberius said reassuringly, “I fell in this pit yesterday, but Gallene the Elephant came and showed me how to get out, now here I am.”  That is a primary goal for this blog, sharing what the experience I have gained from the journey thus far. 

   As we arrive at the end, I want to ask you a question, and offer you a challenge.  The question, what do you want to get out of this content?  Is it art advice, instructions on technique, or maybe dialogue about self-discovery.  Comment below and share what you’re looking forward to.  Now the challenge, if the content resonated with you, and you found it valuable, share the page with two people you know.  Sharing among real life relationships is the best way to grow a community, so let’s do that.